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Publication on the notice within the group founder
Publisher:schzjt   Source:Original   Date:2011-01-19   Clicks: 

In order to further promote corporate culture, promote entrepreneurship, sing the main theme, establish a positive image for the rapid development of enterprises and provide a strong spiritual force of public opinion to support and enhance their sense of belonging and cohesion, to build the company management and the staff of the communication platform promote sustainable and healthy corporate culture development, to promote enterprise culture, the purpose of management efficiency, combined with the actual situation, the company decided to create internal publications, are hereby notified of the following matters:
    First, the implementation of the program
  (A) the positioning of internal publications
    1, is the enterprise managers and employees and a bridge of communication between staff, communication platform.
    2, is human resources development and investment in a way, is to train staff to business as the center, a sense of ownership, internal reserves to explore an effective way of productivity.
    3, is the window company, is to promote the corporate culture position.
  (B) guidelines
    Advanced concept of corporate culture and theory, to foster employee social morality, professional ethics and family virtues, enhance their visibility, civilization, reputation, enhance cohesion, competitiveness, productivity for the purpose of people-oriented, full implementation of the company characteristics of the enterprise culture, promote the spirit of enterprise, practice corporate values, strategy and business development staff to achieve the organic unity of vision, the concept of the operator concept of harmony with the staff, the staff synchronize the inner world and external environment to improve and build a harmonious enterprise, to promote the company Civilization sustainable development and corporate culture, our health.

The specific operational methods
   1, the establishment of corporate culture-building institutions
  (1) Leading Group Group Corporate Culture
   Leader: Yang Cong
   Deputy Director: Xu Weimin
   Members: Tung trees, Fang, Huang Jiangming, He Haibo and units responsible person (Please report list)
  (2) correspondent Team:
   Leader: Dong trees
   Deputy Leader: TBD
   Members: The branch correspondent (reporting list)
   2, internal publication name (tentative name "Hong Zhanhong map")
   3, specific issues within the Publications
  (1) Publication Type: Journal
  (2) Publications Specifications: A4 paper with double-sided black and white printing, color printing on both sides of the cover, each side 18-24.
  (3) Frequency: quarterly publication of the first phase.
  (4) published the first issue date: early January 2011, after the publication each time the first month of each quarter.
Publications section idea
Temporarily set: business management, safety, staff of the home, development, today's focus, admonition and advice, the heart of the sentiment, sincere cooperation, the U.S. envoy, training, soul harbors. Each specific case may be, according to the actual
Publication content source: mainly from the staff, management staff, correspondents team.
    4, the manuscript management:
   (1), contributions to company employees based primarily on the company's latest developments, recent production, the company's spirit, ideas, experience sharing, staff feelings, experiences, good deeds, security, health, Zatan etc. .
Manuscript adhere to the "arm people with scientific theory in order to correct media guidance, imbue them with lofty ideals, and inspire them with excellent works," the purpose of supporting the leadership of the Communist Party to maintain the fundamental interests of the company.
    (3) the establishment of advocacy evaluation mechanism. Manuscript to be adopted for royalties to be paid in order to increase employee participation in the initiative to form a positive atmosphere. Not actively involved in advocacy, there is no effective leadership of the unit responsible for financial penalties to give some (draft regulations).
Standard for payment of royalties:
    General articles:
    20 per 200 words or less;
    More than 30 per 200 words;
    More than six hundred words 50;
    80 yuan more than 1000 words or less;
    100 yuan more than 1500 words.
    B, extract: 5 yuan each (subject to Department source)
    C, Image: 15 yuan each. (With a brief text description)
  (5) royalties after the publication of an article, each of the responsible editor reporting, approval issued by the Group Chairman.
  (6) royalties paid in cash, separate management.
  (7) all manuscripts be adopted only after the payment calculated by the above criteria, the manuscript can not use the positive attitude of the appropriate contributor encouragement award.
  (8) Upon submission, said of the company authorized to deal with, posted, published, and for other promotional purposes.
  (9) involving the company system, work management requirements and other articles (such as summary, plan, etc.) Selected, excluding royalties.
  (10) corporate events (such as essay writing, etc.), have been vested in the special management, alternative arrangements.
 (11) releases the drop boxes. Address: Heart of the City of Chengdu Tianfu Square 19A;-mail: 924893777@qq.com Fax :028 -82,999,555
5, the correspondent management
(1) correspondent to convene a meeting every two months and the will to train, while the focus of the work arrangement such as the recent publicity.
(2) correspondent organizational activities from time to time (each time before the commencement of a detailed program).
Second, the specific requirements:
After receiving this Notice of the units should be immediately communicated to all management officials and staff, carefully organized study and deeply understand the spirit of propaganda and mobilization work to do in-depth and careful research, the development of practical implementation of the unit comments.
    1, the units on September 26, 2010, reported a charge of leading the list of corporate culture as a group member of the leadership team and corporate culture of the unit responsible for construction, publicity and related work.
    2, the units on September 26, 2010, 3-5 part-time correspondent to report the list, must take the high overall quality of the unit, strong writing skills, love of publicity, the report recommended the employees out of work.
    3, the company developed in 2010 organized the first phase of 10 correspondents in mid-training, participants reported for the leaders in charge of all units and all correspondents, for about two days (specific items to be announced), integrated units looking to arrange a good job and production, on time attendance.
   4, contact. Contact: Office of the Secretary of the Board Group chairman trees, Tel: 82999666 Mobile: 13683490922.
Notice is hereby given.
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