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Mid-Autumn Festival coincides with the peak season for developers to purchase promotional catch limi
Publisher:schzjt   Source:Original   Date:2011-01-19   Clicks: 

The annual National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival "double" to catch up with the traditional "golden nine silver ten," What would be spit out sparks? Discount compared to previous years secretive, generally more promotional efforts this year, Mid-Autumn Festival.

Trick: special room, credit,
Yun-Fei Jing Si Songjiang poetry with Allen during Mid-Autumn Festival this year, out of room for more than 20 sets of special promotions, price discount 6 million. Poly Jiading New City Lake Sun Court, introduced a special room 68 square meters, located in the 1st floor, total 100 million.
    Xiang Tang, also located in Jiading 6 sets of new areas have also introduced special rooms, and bonus to buy a house and send their vehicle activities. Xiangyu capital on September 22 -9 30 months, where 25 million purchase and enjoy the maximum benefits.
Special room, has become a promotional discount of "nirvana", many developers have taken the superposition method to attract buyers.
For example, in addition to Poly Lake Sunshine Garden special offers, the Mid-Autumn Festival, also presented during the National Day worth 10 million purchase of a parking space. Oasis Cannes (Forum News video) case discount field 9, with membership card on this basis offer 9 million for a house, two rooms offer 12 million, three-bedroom offers 18 million.
Buyers: only recognize "price" kingly
Developers face the holidays the promotional measures taken by home buyers mixed.
Buyers who agree to send that in certain real estate prices during the holidays really do offer a certain degree, especially when selling real estate, discount level will be reduced. Jiading, a real estate example, earlier played by 12 million to buy a house straight, and now and then calls up the small margin of preference, and only reduced by 8 million. The answer is that the sales staff, the house has not left the sets. Mr. Wu that buyers, like household appliances use the same holiday promotions, real estate agency also learned this trick now limited promotion, the demand of buyers who have been there for perhaps a good thing. And his friends in 2008, joined the ranks of China Vanke sales really tasted the sweetness.
Buyers holding the opposition believes that real estate sales, it is inevitable eventually passed, but this time the unit price has increased, and more may be just a gimmick. Mr. Wang has encountered, the use of a real estate holiday promotions, special room playing holiday promotions, I was disappointed to find that special room is not "beheaded" is the "feet", the event itself is not high quality, but also a promotion out of the house , people lose interest. To the surrounding one asked, the original of this difficult real estate sales in the region.
    The industry believes that "double" the property market has always been considered an important time burst of passion, smart developers would never let such a good opportunity, especially in the suppression by the New Deal to the continued downturn in the property market. Special room rampant discounts big run, buy a house and send their vehicle and other promotional varied, the major real estate rush moves, trying to catch the "Golden September" tail.
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