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中国最大凯旋门---洲际健康城凯旋门 简介
发布者:schzjt   来源:   发布日期:2019-07-25   点击次数: 


    不忘初心 牢记使命,为了纪念伟大的红军长征精神,凯旋门正面左侧塑刘伯承与邓小平“刘邓大军”挺近大别山紫铜大型浮雕,右侧塑为毛泽东与朱德“朱毛大军”的井冈山会师紫铜大型浮雕。四周环绕在伟大的中国共产党领导指挥下,中国工农红军一次又一次取得的伟大胜利浮雕。正上方为九座紫铜镀金金马。寓意:"出征"、"胜利"、"和平"在伟大的中国共产党领导下,带领新时代的中国高歌猛进,踏上新的征程!


    Brief Introduction to the Arc de Triomphe of Intercontinental Health City, the Largest Arc de Triomphe in China.
    Intercontinental Health City Triumphal Arch is located in the west section of Kexing Road, Chengdu Strait Science and Technology New City. Referring to the French Paris Triumphal Arch and the total investment of Chinese Red Army and Oriental Culture, it was built with RMB 118 million yuan. The total height of Triumphal Arch is 49.6 meters. The main building height is 40.8 meters, and the main building platform is 4.2 meters high, standing 46 meters high and 9 meters high. Each Golden Horse weighs 2.8 tons. All of them are wrapped in gold wrapped with inner copper casting. Each Golden Horse costs more than 3 million yuan. The Arc de Triomphe is 53.8 meters wide and 20.2 meters thick. It is divided into three main and auxiliary arches, 24.6 meters in the center, 13.8 meters on both sides, and doors on all sides.
In memory of the great spirit of the Long March of the Red Army, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping's "Liu Deng Dajun" on the left side of the Arc de Triomphe are close to the large-scale copper relief sculptures of the Dabie Mountains, while on the right side are the large-scale copper relief sculptures of the Jinggangshan Master of Mao Zedong and Zhu De's "Zhu Mao Jun". Surrounded by the leadership and command of the great Communist Party of China, the great victory relief of the Red Army of Workers and Peasants has been achieved again and again. Above it are nine gold-plated bronze horses. Moral: "Expedition", "Victory" and "Peace" under the leadership of the Great Communist Party of China, lead the new era of China's song and march on a new journey!
The Arc de Triomphe of Intercontinental Health City has elevators on 10 floors, which can reach the arch directly. In the future, it will be built into a museum of culture and art, an open-air viewing platform, a club and a Book bar. Enriching the recreational life of the owners of Intercontinental Health City.
In the future, the Triumph Gate of Intercontinental Health City will exist as a landmark cultural tourism building in Chengdu, which is called "Triumph Gate of Paris in the West, Intercontinental Health City of Chengdu in the East"! The Arc de Triomphe will also serve as a center of architectural magnum opus proud of the Intercontinental Health City, radiating around the whole community, with great momentum, as a model of design.

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